Adding Dictionaries

Following the steps for adding dictionaries to Babbletower:


Depending on what encodings are supported by your Java runtime, you may have to change the encoding of your dictionaries. Read more about the details here.


Create index files for your dictionaries. Do this on your desktop/notebook computer.

Create Dictionary Setup File

Information about a dictionary has to be provided in its own setup file. The name of this file is the name of the dictionary file itself, with the ending .dictionary appended to it.

Note: The file name of a dictionary may not contain spaces. Choose short names if possible.

Setup files need to be placed in Babbletower's dictionary directory. If you did not explicitly specify a dictionary directory, then this defaults to Babbletower's working directory.

The basic format for setting a dictionary property is:

property_name.sub_property = value

Following a table with the properties you can set, along with their default values. You don't have to specify a property if the default value is already what you would like to set

propertymeaningdefault value can also be set interactively
encoding text encoding of dictionary UTF8 no
format name of the entry format definition to be used with the dictionary. Predefined formats are:
  • default
  • edict
  • edict_pda
  • kanjidic
More about formats and how to define your own custom formats here.
default no
file If you want to place a dictionary in a directory different from the dictionary directory, specify its full file name here. Note that the accompanying index file will have to be stored in the same directory. none no
comment short dictionary comment none no
hits.sort Whether to sort the result of a lookup in this dictionary. Values are on or off. on yes
hits.weight. length This and the next property, the position weight, are used when sorting hits (see manual). Values are from 1 (less important) through 10 (very important). 1 yes
hits.weight. position See comments for length weight. 10 yes
hits.checkend Trail checking during hit sort (see manual). Values are on or off. on yes
legend If you want to place the dictionary's legend file in a directory different from the dictionary directory, specify its full file name here, including the .legend extension. Alternatively, you can specify the name of a different dictionary, from which to use the legend file. none no


Here two examples for the dictionaries kanjidic and eijiro:


You can place dictionary settings also in Babbletower's optional properties file. Note however that in that case the name of the dictionary has to be prepended to all property keys, e.g. encoding = EUC_JP for dictionary edict needs to be written as edict.encoding = EUC_JP. If a dictionary is defined both in its own setup file and in Babbletower's properties file, the settings from the dictionary setup file take precedence.

Copy Dictionary, Index and Setup Files

When you've created both the index file and setup file for the dictionary you want to install, copy them together with the dictionary file to your device. As pointed out above, the dictionary setup file needs to be placed into Babbletower's dictionary directory, which is the working directory by default. If you have not specified the file property in the setup file, copy the dictionary and index file into the same directory. If you did specify the file property, be careful to place both dictionary and index file into that location

Add Dictionary to a Shelf

Finally, you have to add the dictionary you've installed to one of the shelves. Restart Babbletower, then follow the instructions for managing dictionaries and shelves.

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